Successful Projects of Speedflow team

VoIP Software Road Map

Market development brings new trends and sets interesting tasks in software development. These challenges are dictated by changing market infrastructure and high level of its members’ trainings.

Participation of Speedflow Software Development Department in ITW 2010 conference was a landmark for our specialists. In the course of communication with the partners we have managed to collect a lot of requests and feedback on our work. We thank our colleagues for their appreciation of our achievements. In this article we will try to generalize Your requirements and our professional ambitions in a single plan of action for further development of a Speedflow software product line for VoIP realm.

 First and foremost, major changes await our main product – Softswitch Class 4 Mediacore. We plan to further develop Linux-based softswitch Mediacore laying special stress upon its stability and high efficiency. A rather qualitative leap will take place in the evolution of the system core: a new version that will be partitioned under the 64-bit and the cloud-computing solutions are being developed. An attractive challenge for us was placing Trans-coding module in calculations on the GPU. A code testing opportunities on a dedicated server of the company Novatte (GPU computing, Singapore) were discussed with the company representatives at the CommunicAsia 2010 exhibition.

Regarding the routing algorithm, which has been improving in each release of the system, we would like to express a special gratitude to our partners owing to whom LCR functional – Premium-routing is reflected by flexible settings in WEB-interface, taking into account all the requirements for calls balancing by points, weight coefficient, priorities, etc. The Guardian module and dynamic routing subsystem cut down the cost of maintaining the large number of staff without reducing decision-making efficiency at all stages of call path.

The WEB-interface will not lose our corporate strategy, but within a month will receive all the benefits of a fully-fledged WEB 2.0., namely:

  • Ajax flexibility by ICESoft (ICEFaces) and performance of classic time-tested web-technology (dealing with simple HTML);
  • To perform reports in separate tabs with simultaneous control of states – “browser in browser” technology;
  • Possibility to suspend the request and its subsequent restart with new as well as existing parameters, suspend request at the closing tab, suspend all requests to the database when logging out of the system. This will result in a productivity increase and eliminate the need to establish multiple sessions for one user;
  • Functional interface improvement and full unification of screen components.

Efforts over the past months have also focused on further development of Class 5 softswitch CallMax, which would have the functionality that guarantees to our partners a successful commercial use. Thus, about the functionality of our solution:

  • IP PBX-full-featured Class 5 Softswitch;
  • branded card platform with an extensible tree dealers (up to 22 levels);
  • compatibility with all popular electronic payment systems;
  • WEB 2.0 interface;
  • support of all mobile platforms: access to web-interface, management, generation and sending of reports, financial monitoring tools are available from mobile devices;
  • scalability, stability, reliability of Linux-based solution.

Distinguished companies and market newcomers, whom we met at exhibitions and conferences, got a demo access to our products. Many of them have already been successfully using our products and effectively developing their business. Tests are accompanied by users technical support at all stages, most of the emerging issues as outlined in a detailed user guide.

Ample opportunities are wide open to partners who have access to our products under the programme «Software as a Service». User-friendly interface, stability and reliability, skilled technical support – this is the dignity of our software products, which undergo a complete QA cycle on the “live” traffic.

Long-term experience in solving the most complex practical problems, professional technical support and a firm grasp of customers needs is a key to successful development of our products and a growth of opportunities for our clients.

For more information on our products and updates You are welcome to visit our corporate website, the web pages of a leading telecommunications portal (VoIP Software Community), as well as VoIP-oriented professional forums.


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