VoIP Softswitch Custom Add-ons

mediacore custom add-ons

The telecom carrier business is undergoing constant change. With technology advancing and traffic volumes rising every year, carriers must be well-equipped to respond to the changes. One of the most needed instruments for that purpose are the softswitch add-ons.

To help our partners thrive in today’s dynamic reality, we work hard to improve our roadmap and regularly release MediaCore updates. Mostly, to reflect the nature of the market. We also take into consideration individual company needs. Firstly, offering new custom features or modules to improve MediaCore. Secondly, merging it with any existing third-party software. With our softswitch add-ons, carriers can achieve greater freedom in setting up their own efficient and profitable telecom business.

MediaCore SBC is one of the market’s top carrier-grade solutions for Voice and SMS traffic. It provides a unified spot where carriers can manage and execute all of their VoIP-related tasks. Of course, including switching, routing, billing, transcoding, and revenue assurance.

Speedflow has a team of developers ready to help both new customers and long-term partners customize their MediaCore.

Opt to give your business more control over individual processes and enjoy a new level of usability and better productivity!

If you have any questions or want to share your plan with us, please write to info@speedflow.com.


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