MediaCore SMS Infographic – exciting opportunities for Wholesale Messaging

Wholesale messaging infographic

The wholesale messaging market is growing these days, opening amazing opportunities for messaging carriers. Next decade the market will continue its growth. According to recent researches, mobile phones have higher penetration rates than any other means of communication. SMS messaging is immediate, easy-to-use, and cost-effective. Furthermore, short messages don’t require a data connection, that is also a big advantage and makes messaging affordable for all mobile users. As a result, SMS deliverability and readability are extremely high. At length, these factors create good conditions and fantastic revenue opportunities for the wholesale messaging business and telco carriers.

We reviewed statistics and analyzed not only the rising demand for the MediaCore SMS platform but also the A2P messaging potential in general as well as the most typical A2P messaging use cases. As a result, we prepared a new infographic that shows SMS market growth and opportunities, that the MediaCore SMS platform creates for operators. Download the infographic to see the complete information.

You can also read the MediaCore testimonials and learn why our customers trust us and choose our messaging platform. Contact to get demo and try the MediaCore SMS platform. Make sure, that due to the MediaCore you will develop a stable and reliable messaging infrastructure. 

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