MediaCore Softswitch Testimonial by Cibeles Telecom

Cibeles Telecom

‘They do their job fast and professionally’
‘We’ve got centralized network and web access’

Javier Huatay, Cibeles Telecom

1. When was the MediaCore Softswitch implemented by your company?

In December 2010

2. How long did it take you to implement this software system?

Less than one week

3. Is your company renting or bought the MediaCore Softswitch?

We bought the softswitch for our business

4. Mediacore Softswitch includes different program modules: billing, transcoding, monitoring system of the VoIP connection quality Guardian, VoIP Trouble Ticket Automatic System. Which package was chosen by your company? Why?

Our company use the full package. Billing, transcoding and Guardian are required for our business

5. Did you study a market of VoIP softswitches before you made your choice? What Mediacore features were determinant for your decision-making?

Yes, we did. Our final decision was determined by reference to another company.

6. Was there a necessity of system expansion considering individual requirements of your company operation? If so, what add-ins have been made to your variant of the system?

Yes, Speedflow implemented some new reports for our managers.

7. What advantages do you gain by using Mediacore Softswitch? Did you note some changes in your daily workflow after the softswitch implementation?

We’ve got centralized network and web access. The softswitch works fast. Online reports are also very useful for us.

8. What can you say about the work of the stuff of Speedflow Communications?

The staff is very helpful. They do their job fast and professionally.

9. Please, can you share the information about your company main activities, history, plans for the future?

Our main kind of activity is wholesale traffic. In the future, we are going to work with residential networks.


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