Meet the Speedflow team at Comptel Plus!

As Speedflow is represented at various telecom conferences, we are happy to announce that we will be attending Comptel Plus which is being held on 16-19 March in Las Vegas.

Comptel Plus gathers together delegates from the breadth of the telecoms industry in the American market. As a consequence, it provides a perfect opportunity for Speedflow to showcase its updated portfolio of telecom and software solutions and extend its client base.

Speedflow’s team will be pleased to talk to you about all its services and solutions:

  • Cutting edge developments in telecom provision including A-Z termination, VoIP wholesale, VoIP retail, CLI routes and SMS offerings, all tailored to meet our customers’ demands.
  • The newly-created CallMax modular architecture which allows IP PBX, Calling Card and Call Shop options to be accessed as standalone modules.
  • The latest releases of the MediaCore Class 4 Solution and the CallMax Class 5 Solution for VoIP wholesale and VoIP retail, accordingly.

Speedflow would like to invite everyone to meet our representatives at the upcoming conference. We are eager to hear your latest updates and feedback about our products. Speedflow would also like to hear about what industry trends you highlight and your vision of the best collaboration models. As our customers are the most important thing to us, we want to hear about you!

For further information or to arrange a meeting, please contact Nina Moina – ninel@speedflow.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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