New routing algorithm in Mediacore system

The majority of VoIP companies face the necessity to differentiate clearly the destination priority among vendors. Let us take as an example the case when a customer is interested in certain termination points with high voice quality.

An advanced algorithm of dynamic routing is implemented in Mediacore system to tackle this task. In addition to the existent routing scheme of termination and origination points Access Level feature was implemented, which allows deterministic routing. Access Level feature offers more flexible and selective routing management, efficient control over the possibility of calls for some groups of customers or vendors/ destinations.

The special feature of the new algorithm is that in this case the call path is compiled not from the chain ‘customer-vendor’ but from ‘customer’s destination – vendor’s destination’.

The new routing scheme is supposed to create hypothetical access level to the vendor’s destination in accordance with the required access in origination point. In other words, all destinations in termination points are divided into groups (every destination can only belong to one group). Similar groups are created for destinations in origination points. The groups are connected with each other on a submission basis.

As a result, the customer’s call from group 3 can be routed to the vendors’ destinations from group 3; the customer’s call from group 2 – to vendors from groups 2 and 3; the customer’s call from group 1 can be routed to the vendors from groups 1,2,3. Such correlation allows using only that vendor’s price list which conforms to customer’s requirements. Or block unnecessary destinations for a specific customer.

This algorithm implementation doesn’t impact on call routing and offers an efficient solution without performance loss of Mediacore softswitch.


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