Our Customers Are the Best Source of Inspiration

Softswitch class 4 Mediacore Release 3

VoIP market is quite dynamic that’s why it is important to improve the quality of products whole year round. Summer, which is the period of vacations and market slackness, is also a good time for development of products and services. The best source of new implementations for Speedflow Communications is the customers’ feedback. We are always in touch with our clients and consider their opinion. It shows the real market position of our products and helps to maintain it.

We are happy that our customers share their positive opinion regarding our high-quality software products and recommend them to the VoIP community. The MediaCore Softswitch Testimonials are available here. We have also prepared the new CallMax and Pay-n-Get testimonials, a case study with one of the largest MediaCore customers. Everyone can read them and find out advantages of our products.

Among the results of a close cooperation with the clients are the new release of the MediaCore Softswitch with dialpeer routing, new features of CallMax Softswitch and Pay-n-Get system. Upgraded version of the Guardian system was also developed by Speedflow professionals to be more precise, fast and understandable. It has the new traffic classification mechanism based on termination causes. Automatic reports, trouble tickets and routing changes are still in place, but updated.

We are always ready to extend our products and services according to the market needs. Development of the customer-oriented solutions is one of the secrets of the market leadership.


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