A third anniversary of Pay-n-Get Processing System developed by the experts of our company will be celebrated this year. A short period of time, but in respect of information technology product it is a whole page in history. And it is a good occasion to tell about its use-proven capabilities.
Pay-n-Get is an original solution of Speedflow Communications for pre-paid services. What does it mean? Every time when you look for a vending machine or a street vendor in order to replenish your mobile phone account or internet service provider account you face some processing system. In Ukraine people use our Pay-n-Get Processing System every third time on average in such cases not knowing about it.
Currently, major Ukrainian mobile communication retail chains and electronic payments operators use Pay-n-Get: Allo, Eurotel, Avansel, PayPort. There are 3600 failproof mobile POS terminals in our country. 4200 sales outlets of our partners are equipped with software and hardware for electronic payments fulfillment. During first four months of this year the number of Pay-n-Get assisted transactions has exceeded the total volume of last year.
A potential for unlimited data traffic is provided by the speed of Pay-n-Get Processing System (4—6 transactions per second).
Our developers’ team takes a legitimate pride in the security level of Pay-n-Get. During system operating time no vulnerabilities were found in it. We didn’t give any chances for fraudsters. No processing system employed in CIS market has got such records.
Pay-n-Get includes Windows-based software and mobile handy mPOS-50 terminals. Today they are the most reliable terminals on the market. Because of modularity systems can be easily and rapidly mended.
Pay-n-Get software is meant for using with diverse terminal devices: different mobile terminals, self-service machines, fiscal printers. Speedflow Communications experts keep on system improvement in consideration of topical market requirements. Protocol versions are updated regularly. Because of modular technology the Processing System is flexible and open for making changes. In case of need it is possible to make reorganization of work with one operator with no impact on collaboration with other vendors.

Speedflow Communications has developed Pay-n-Get Lite version especially for pre-paid services companies that required mobile terminals renovation. In this case installation of Pay-n-Get Lite on the basis of any billing system is possible. It will work with mPOS-50 terminals.
In conclusion we should add that after active field tests in Ukraine Pay-n-Get is entering the international market. Now negotiations concerning delivery of the system and terminals are carried on with our partners in Canada, Costa Rica, Kosovo.
Pay-n-Get is an Instant Delivery Processing System for making payments for IP telephony, Internet, cable television and other pre-paid services.