The MediaCore Softswitch Testimonial by SKGlobal


‘The MediaCore minimizes technical risk’
‘We recommend the complete set for users’

Riz Habib, Director, SKGlobal.

1. When was the Mediacore Softswitch launched by your company?

Our company launched the MediaCore Softswitch in August 2010.

2. What kind of issues did you face up before migrating to the MediaCore?

The main issue we had was our previous Billing. Also we had a problem with adding a range of IPs.

3. Which MediaCore features have appeared to be the most useful for you, have affected your decision in favor of our Softswitch Solution?

The MediaCore left our issues behind. The most useful MediaCore features are Guardian and Transcoding.

4. The MediaCore includes the following modules: Switch, Billing, Guardian, and Transcoding. Which package was chosen by your company and why?

We are happily using all modules which are included in the MediaCore. All modules are very important and we recommend the complete set for users.

5. How long did it take to have the MediaCore installed?

The process of the Softswitch implementation took about two weeks.

6. What’s your overall impression on the NOC Team Support?

NOC team is very supportive and helpful. They are very fast in answering.

7. Which results have you achieved since you started to use the MediaCore Softswitch?

The MediaCore Class 4 Softswitch works very well and it minimizes technical risk.

SKGLOBAL Limited operates in wholesale and retail VoIP Business. The company has numerous direct routes of retail traffic. In the near future they are planning to produce their own retail traffic.


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