AB Routing: A Necessity in Today’s VoIP Market

AB routing

Today’s VoIP market is very dynamic. With new challenges arising constantly, flexibility of routing has become a necessity. One routing feature that demonstrates a shift in value from an advantageous option to a necessary one is AB routing—otherwise known as origin-based routing.

AB routing was first introduced in 2016 when European operators implemented surcharges for traffic originating from outside the European Economic Area. This triggered the development of origin-based pricing, and the tendency for same-destination calls to have different prices. This is because establishing the prices of routes became dependent not only on their destination (B number or called party) but also on their origin (A number or calling party).

As the market continues to evolve, some non-EU countries have also begun following this trend and have also selectively implemented surcharges for other countries. Because of this, prices may sometimes vary drastically and, in instances, can be over 10 times higher than the underlying rate. This is why it is crucial for VoIP carriers to route all calls properly, as mismanagement of surcharges from suppliers can not only inflict serious revenue loss but also cause bankruptcy in severe cases.

MediaCore SBC, developed by Speedflow, offers an enhanced routing mechanism with special features. The platform has a feature that enables VoIP carriers to upload origin-based price-lists and set up AB-routing to make sure all calls are billed correctly.

MediaCore SBC is a perfect choice for wholesale carriers and tier 2/3 providers that need to handle high peaks of wholesale traffic and have enough flexibility to set up various routing modes and priorities. With a great variety of routing options at their disposal, MediaCore customers can gain an edge over their competitors and have more freedom of movement when deciding how to approach new challenges.

For more information, you are welcome to read the MediaCore testimonials or contact info@speedflow.com to arrange a demo.


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