Free New Year Capacity Increase

Softswitch class 4 Mediacore Release 2.18

Speedflow Team sincerely wishes you a festive mood on the upcoming New Year and to keep it up we are offering all MediaCore customers a FREE 10% capacity increase!

New Year is one of the busiest times for telecom providers during the year. People reach out friends and loved ones all over the word to share the spirit of joy and merry. Traffic volumes tremendously go up promising a fair profit. To get the most of this golden opportunity, your infrastructure should be backed up by the software.

Here, at Speedflow, we go an extra mile to provide the best service and customer care for our customers. We want all of them to benefit from this season holidays. To do so, we offer a 10% MediaCore capacity increase absolutely FREE of charge.

From now until 11:59pm (+2 GMT) on 25th December you can apply for a FREE 10% capacity increase.

The application accepting deadline is 25th December, 2013.

You will experience the increase in capacity between 30th December, 2013 and 3rd January 2014 including.

Contact Konstantin Vykhrystenko at vkostya@speedflow.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to apply for the FREE increase.


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