MediaCore Is Around the World

Softswitch class 4 Mediacore Release 2.18

Speedflow Communications is pleased to introduce the new MediaCore Softswitch customer from Australia. Innovative IT Pty Ltd is the rapidly growing Australian telecom provider. We are happy that they chose the MediaCore Softswitch as their platform for VoIP wholesale services. Our presence in Australia is very important as VoIP industry is highly developed in this region.

 Now the MediaCore Softswitch is used by companies on all continents. This achievement testifies the high quality of the MediaCore Softswitch and its recognition among VoIP wholesale providers worldwide.

We aren’t going to rest on our oars. Our permanent upgrades make the MediaCore Softswitch more competitive in the market. We will continue to provide VoIP carriers with high performance VoIP softswitch solutions for their business growth.

Innovate IT Pty Ltd is a consulting and VoIP services Company based out of Australia. Innovate IT works with many Carriers within the Industry to provide it’s clients with high quality VoIP, for both the Retail and Wholesale VoIP sectors.


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