Speedflow Presents Effective New CallMax Release

The Speedflow Team is delighted to announce that a new version of the CallMax Solution will soon be released. Available from March 25, 2015, version 3.4.1 has been designed to make the Solution more convenient for end-users. The subscribers easily manage their accounts, review statistics having personal web access to the System.

The optimised release contains the following additional features:

  • New notifications for subscribers
  • Aggregated CDRs
  • Updated user-friendly interface

The new version of the platform allows VoIP companies to provide high-quality, efficient, and competitive IP PBX, Prepaid Card and Call Shop Services to their subscribers. As usual, new CallMax releases are available to update free-of-charge for all our software customers.

To find out more about the new release, please contact info@speedflow.com.


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