Telecommunication market review. Problems and solutions.

There is no secret that today the telecommunication market endures not the easiest time. Especially in VoIP wholesale, were no more than one year back occurred the booming development and new companies appeared daily.

Today we observe the inverse picture – many many companies are closed, minimize their activity or simply disappear. At the same time certain parts of companies continue to progress.

What is the secret of these companies? Certainly, financial stability and accumulate budgets play a considerable role. But the main reason is that even during crisis time they continue to develop their infrastructure, optimize their work via automation and creation of a new retail network.

The Speedflow Communications Ltd. Company is one of the leaders in VoIP automation systems. We know what to suggest to our partners, who are really interested of developing their companies. We want to offer control and manage systems for traffic and for the finance, for employees and even for their calls.

One of the innovative solutions for VoIP communications is Softswitch Mediacore. It is one of the most functional and flexible dynamic router with full suit of managing, control, VoIP billing features and transcoding function in one software package. As a result – a company can immediately process 25% more calls because of the transcoding system and intellectual routing. The level of passing calls will increase by 15-30%. Accucore is a complex accounting and financial analysis software for all VoIP business processes which helps companies to reduce to minimum work time with price-sheet, target-sheet, and invoices and finance management. Vacate time employees can spend more effectively, as contacting with client, rather than with excel-tablet.

Some of wholesale-companies already came to that today is necessary to work with retail clients and small companies, who collect local traffic. That’s way Speedflow Communications Ltd. offers a great possibility to any wholesale-company to create its own origination network by applying our new product Mobiglobe. Use of this product will allow converting all international calls of your clients into your network, to control international calls of your employees, and also to create additional international service, which will be claimed all the time.

Success today is not the economy, but introducing new, economy reasonable systems in your business, create your own origination network and attracting new retail clients.


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